We have a little over seventy acres and a small farm on it.
- Every year, we were losing some of our vegetable to different bugs that would bore right into the fruit.
I was tired of seeing ants and other flying bugs destroy our yearly crop. We put a couple of bat houses in the middle of the gardens to help protect our truck garden. The bats were far enough from any homes, so they wouldn’t take up any space in homes. We only had our bat houses for a year when our neighbor came to visit. He often visited when it was time to plant fields, to see what we would plant this year. Instead of discussing our crops, he came over to talk about his beehives. He had been harvesting honey for the last ten years. He told my husband that our bats ate his bees. His honey bee population had been greeting diminished, and he was positive the bats were eating them. We had read nothing that said bats would eat honey bees. They usually went for gnats and other small bugs that flew at night. I enjoyed our summer, not needing to worry about all the bugs congregating where we sat on the porch. He insisted it had to be our bats that were destroying his honey bee population and demanded we get rid of the bats. My husband and I weren’t budging, and neither was he. He said he would call the police and have us arrested if we didn’t get rid of the bats. His honey bee hives were part of his annual income and he couldn’t afford to have them decimated.