It was entirely prefer a game of tunesal chairs but with much larger consequences.
- For a long time in our home, both of us were one room short.
And both of us did our best to deal with it. All of us have a nice lake cabin with superb central air conditioning but both of us ended up having one more kid than number of rooms. So once the kids were older, both of us tried to make it more tolerable plus rotate who had to share a room. That devolved into disaster pretty quick plus there was never a quiet moment where I could just come lake cabin from labor plus prefer the air conditioning. So it was blatant that both of us either had to transport or both of us had to add a room to our home, given the current temperature on the real estate market in our region, getting a current cabin was out of the question. My wife plus I decided that since both of us were going to add a room, why not make it for us. All of us also liked the plan that both of us are adding value to our lake cabin as that is our biggest investment. So both of us added a master home office with an ensuite bathroom. I was surprised that the Heating plus Air Conditioning supplier couldn’t extend the ductwork to include the current home office. But I got a lesson in the fact that Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment is recognizably sized to the air volume of a home. So both of us ended up with a ductless heat pump plus both of us enjoy it. The ductless heat pump is so quiet plus yet produces such quality heating plus air. It’s taxing to believe that something so small does such a big task so easily.