I wanted to see where this might lead
I will never forget the day that I met our partner. It was a absolutely hot day in our a/c had just broken down plus I was in need of a repair. I had called numerous heating plus AC companies in our area only to find that all numerous of them were completely booked up. I was starting to feel defeated when I thought I would go ahead plus try 1 more plus see if I had any fortune there, it was a heating plus AC corporation that I had never tried before but if it meant that there was a chance that they could repair our a/cs plus I thought it was worth a try. Call the number of the Heating plus A/C supplier plus to our surprise they were not booked up at all plus even told me they could send out a serviceman that same day! When the heating plus cooling professional arrived at our condo to repair our a/c, I observed that this Heating plus A/C serviceman was a female Heating plus cooling worker, something that is more rare in the Heating plus A/C industry. I thought it was pretty cool, but she told me that our a/c has simply broken down due to the amount of heat outside. It became overwhelmed trying to cool the condo plus shut down. She did repair on the spot plus after that I ended up exadjusting numbers. Interested in me plus I was willing to supply it a try. I wanted to see where this might lead. What do you guess now that 4 years later that same female heating plus AC worker is not our partner?. How time flies, that ended up being the best heating plus AC repair of our life.