My neighbor asked myself and others not to worry plus called her hubby on her PC.
When I moved into our neighborhood, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was a single Dad with many small youngsters. Life wasn’t too terrible because I have a small business, however it felt quite straining to relocate. The area was superb because of the schools around. I wanted our youngsters to get the best education, so I bought a home in the area. The day I moved in, our neighbor came by to say hello plus brought a bag of muffins. She found myself and others out in the backyard kneeling next to the air conditioner. When I bought the house, the air conditioner was working. I even had an Heating plus A/C expert come to inspect the unit. She assured myself and others it was in superb working condition, so I signed the papers for the house. However, I tried to turn on the AC the day the people I was with and I moved in, however nothing happened. I thought perhaps the breaker was off, however all was good. It seemed the air conditioner was faulty, plus I didn’t know what to do. It’s like God sent our neighbor to myself and others because she found myself and others checking the air conditioner. All of us said hello, plus I thanked her for the muffins. She asked what was wrong, plus I explained the AC unit wasn’t turning on. My neighbor asked myself and others not to worry plus called her hubby on her PC. Apparently, she owns the local Heating plus A/C company that does repairs all over the area. In less than an minute, there was an Heating plus A/C worker at the home doing repairs. Once she ensured the unit was working, she left, plus I was thankful to our neighbor for coming to our rescue.