They only had one thermostat that controlled the temperature of the entire ward, and it didn’t even seem like they knew how to adjust it.
I was so frustrated at the pregnancy ward because of the temperature settings. In most hospitals, they have temperature controls in each of the rooms in the pregnancy ward! When a woman gives birth, her body reacts in certain ways. It’s clear that giving birth puts your body through a lot, so it’s the least you can do to allow a woman access to temperature control settings in the room that she gives birth in. That is why most ladies are put in their own room with their own temperature control to control the temperature of the room. However, we hit a few road bumps when it came to our delivery plan. We had gone out of town to see in-laws, and suddenly the baby decided it was time to come early! We ended up going to a random hospital. This hospital was tiny, however the doctors were nice. The delivery itself went very smoothly, as well. The one complaint that we had with the hospital was that they could not set the temperature control comfortably. They only had one thermostat that controlled the temperature of the entire ward, and it didn’t even seem like they knew how to adjust it. The temperature of the room was very cold when we arrived and my wife was shivering! I asked the doctor to adjust the temperature control to a warmer temperature, but I guess I wasn’t clear. She went and set the temperature up way too high and the room got hot and stuffy quickly. My wife was not happy at all with the significant temperature swings. I didn’t think it was rocket science to set the thermostat to something more moderate.
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