This HVAC supplier lady walks her dog each day, a dog which has a gimp left front paw from an accident it had at 8 months old.
- She said when it was a puppy it got some kind of wire wrapped around its paw and it severed the tendon so the paw was rendered useless.
The poor dog can still kind of run but the paw is twisted to the point the dog is using the front of the paw on the ground to run. It is all calloused up and works well for the dog. The dog never whines though, and the local business which tried to help him years ago said the dog doesn’t seem to care that it can’t run very fast. It just wants to play like all the other dogs and doesn’t fret about not being able to keep up with other dogs. My heating and cooling rep had a dog with a similar thing and said that his dog didn’t care about it either. It kind of taught me a lesson to not worry about the “bad” things and to just brush them off as you would anything else that is really minor in life. I’ve had many occasions where my HVAC system broke down, both in my car and in my home, and I have learned to just sweat it out or shiver it out without judging how it makes you feel. The non judging part isn’t always easy, but if you can learn to do it you will see that even the “bad” things are not so bad. Good luck, and I truly wish only love to you all, from the bottom of my heart.