Investing into a generator to ensure heating and cooling during an outage

Although a generator is a big investment, I wanted peace of mind

Last spring, right as the weather warmed up, we got hit by a big storm. The increase in temperature caused rapid snowmelt. There were also torrential downpours and high winds that knocked down branches and took out power lines. There was widespread flooding, and we were without electricity for four days. With no power, the sump pump failed to start up and our basement filled with water. We couldn’t take a shower, flush the toilet or do laundry. We couldn’t run the coffee maker, microwave or dishwasher. Food in the refrigerator and freezer spoiled, Going without air conditioning was very unpleasant. The house quickly became overheated and uncomfortable. It was impossible to get a good night’s sleep. Because of the rain, we couldn’t even open the windows. I had concerns with mold and mildew growth. While no air conditioner was aggravating, it wasn’t as problematic as a power outage in the winter would be. When the temperature drops below freezing, there’s the risk of the water pipes freezing. We could be forced to brave icy roads and snowy conditions to stay at a hotel. There’s the potential of safety risks and major damage. I decided to invest into a permanently standby generator. Although a generator is a big investment, I wanted peace of mind. If the electricity goes out, the generator will automatically start up within minutes and power all of our appliances and systems, including the sump pump, furnace and air conditioner. I don’t even need to be on the premises, and because the generator runs on natural gas, it will operate for as long as necessary.

multi split air conditioning

It was the oddest spot for an AC unit.

I walked into a home Last month to work on a furnace.

  • The woman who let myself and others into the house, showed myself and others where the furnace was, and I thought it was odd.

The furnace was in the garage, which wasn’t linked to the house. I had often seen heating systems in linked garages, but never in 1 that was unlinked, however right next to the furnace, was the a/c unit. I thought it was the oddest locale for an AC unit, however I wasn’t the 1 who built the house. I finished with my work on the furnace and looked at the a/c unit. It looked brand new, but it had never been installed from what I could see. I didn’t want to say anything to the owner so I showed her the bill, got paid, and went back to the HVAC business. When I got back, the owner asked if I saw anything peculiar about the property. I told him that other than there was an a/c equipment in the garage, and it had never been installed, I couldn’t find anything odd, and after that I rolled my esure. He laughed and asked if he noticed anything else. I hadn’t been in the house, so I didn’t notice anything if that’s what he was referring to. He said they had a brand new a/c equipment in the garage, but they had window a/c units in the house. I asked him if he knew why that was? He told myself and others they said the a/c didn’t belong to them. It was there when they moved in, and since it wasn’t installed, they were waiting for the owner to come back for it. That was more than two years ago.

Hybrid heating

I shared a temperature control with another person.

When I moved into our apartment, I didn’t go looking for a temperature control.

It was Winter and comfortable in the apartment, so I didn’t supply any thought to where the temperature control was.

I thought that if I ever had a concern with the Heating as well as A/C system, I could call the maintenance guy. When it started warming up through the day, I would come apartment and it would too warm for our comfort, however I still didn’t say anything. It wasn’t until it got warm and I wanted the air conditioning on, that I realized I didn’t have a temperature control. I called the maintenance guy and asked hiim where the temperature control was. I could think the heat on when I got apartment from work, and it was almost eighty-5 in the apartment. I wanted to turn the temperature control down and save energy, while keeping it cooler in the apartment. He told me I shared a temperature control with another apartment, and it was in their apartment. I thought he was kidding, and told him I absolutely needed it to be cooler in our apartment. He said that if I had a concern with the temperature I needed to talk to the other people. He gave me their apartment number and said to knock loud because they were outdated and going deaf. I could not think I needed to share a temperature control, or that I was subjected to their preference. I had two months left to our lease, and right away put in our sixty day notice that I would be leaving when our lease was up.


More about air conditioning

I wasn’t used to residing in the heat, and needed more AC.

I hated going separate from air conditioner, even for a few days, however say what you will, however when the hot and cold temperatures are over 100 degrees, it is tepid with or separate from humidity, and you need air conditioner if you are going to survive

I was told that residing in Arizona meant the hot and cold temperatures were warmer, however you didn’t mind it as much because it was a dry heat. I’m not sure who came up with it, because I thought it was hot. I knew it was over 100 degrees, and I was having a strenuous time with it. I wanted better air conditioner than what I currently had, and I wanted some humidity in the house. I was told I could have a humidifier separate from the air conditioner, however there were AC unit with humidity installed right into it. I laughed, because it sounded love what our father called a swamp cooler. I called the Heating and A/C contractor and told them I needed a current AC unit and I wanted 1 that put humidity into our home. I was tired of hair that flew in the air, and clothing that stuck to our skin, but my skin was dry and sallow, and I needed humidity. The Heating and A/C contractor looked at the air conditioning that was already in the house, and said they had the same model in stock. It didn’t take long for them to swap out the air conditioner units and get myself and others some cool air. I hated going separate from air conditioner, even for a few days, however say what you will, however when the hot and cold temperatures are over 100 degrees, it is tepid with or separate from humidity, and you need air conditioner if you are going to survive. I don’t love heat, although I liked our hubby and I didn’t want to live away from him. He worked in Arizona now, and both of us had air conditioner to keep myself and others comfortable.

Air vent

I married a heating and cooling professional

After that chance meeting, we met several times again, and started to date

When I was young, I had the perfect idea of how my life would end up. I’d meet the most handsome guy after college, we’d get married and have 3 kids. The guy would go to work and bring home the bacon while I stayed behind to raise our babies. Sort of the 1950s life but with a modern twist where I’d have to be with the girls and also have a hobby. However, life isn’t a movie and can surprise you. I met Frank when I was 18 and he came to our home to do some HVAC repair work. We talked for a bit as I showed him the location of the faulty heat pump and he did his job. I was working on some tasks on the kitchen table when Frank emerged from the basement and said all was well with the heat pump. He was going to send the bill to my folks via email. So we said goodbye and he left. About 8 years later, I was in the city running some errands on a day off from work. Someone called my name and I was perplexed as to who knew my name in the vast city. I looked around and saw Frank, and for some reason I felt quite happy seeing him. We went to a nearby coffee shop, placed an order and sat down to chat. Frank was still working as an HVAC professional and I was a nurse in a hospital. After that chance meeting, we met several times again, and started to date. A year later I was married to a heating and cooling professional and he is the best person in the world.

cooling expert