Shards of the broken vase sit beneath the window seal.
The window seat looked like a vicious pet had attacked it; everything was in disarray.
Maureen took hours to take it all in, her quaint little new home had been vandalized, and she had no idea who the assailants were. However, she knew what they were after, which is why she fled her new home for numerous years. Seeing the mess brought painful memories, but now that that area of her life was over, she could start fresh. Maureen took out all the cleaning component from her vehicle and decided to begin with the living room. The summer time heat did not make things any easier. It took her two afternoons to make the living room habitable. On the first day, she switched on the central cooling system; it worked but was barely efficient. Maureen wanted to call the a/c supplier after cleaning the house. On the sixth day, when she was working on the living and family room area, she could not bare it anymore. The learnings on the digital thermostat were way beyond what was tolerable. Maureen called for an a/c professional on that day. She had avoided thinking about the state of the cooling system when she walked into the condo for the first time in numerous years. Maureen was so relieved that the temperature control equipment was still intact. The a/c supplier responded first because, in two hours, the cooling system repairman had arrived. He checked the a/c install and told Maureen that it was better than she had anticipated. The a/c filter was clogged with dirt, but a substitutement could suddenly solve that. It had been a while since it received any cooling system service, so cooling system repairs were inevitable. The best news the a/c professional told her was that she did not need to purchase new component because the cooling system setup would be up and running once the worker finished working on it.