I had been reading about alternate ways to heat your home other than the standard central heating.
I was pretty surprised to see one thing mentioned as a great heating solution.
And that was an electric fireplace! While electric fireplaces can be a little pricey going into the early thousands, they do actually heat a living room just as good if not better than a central heating system. Also, with an electric fireplace is takes less energy to run than turning on the heating of your central heat and air conditioning system unit. I may actually go out and buy an electric fireplace after reading all about this. It really caught my interest and my eye. I love fireplaces in general and miss having one. My parents had an authentic real fireplace in the house we all grew up in and I miss it. That holds some fond memories of the winter during my childhood. To get an electric fireplace would not be the same, but it would give off somewhat of nostalgic feeling of just being around some kind of fireplace. And at the same time if I can have some warm temperatures, good indoor comfort and great nostalgia all while saving money on my monthly energy bills, i’ll take it! The thousand or so I would have to pay for an electric fireplace would pay for itself in time with the energy savings, so I do not mind going out and buying one. I am going to seriously think on this.