The weather report had talked about rain, but with the way things were escalating, it would be a storm. A week earlier, I had been at the heating dealership to finalize the furnace/heater installation details. I had opted for an electric heating system among the heat and AC products. I previously had a gas boiler, and even though I had little to complain about it before the end of its service, I wanted to try something new, and in this case, it was an electric heater. The installation would include installing heated floors. The only thing that would not be changed was the wireless thermostat. I had worked in the heating industry for a while, but I found my calling elsewhere. This led me to skip some heater maintenance because I knew a thing or two about an HVAC service plan, furnace filters, and heating repair, so I ended up doing it myself. When the HVAC tech saw that the weather was worsening, he told me that they had to postpone the installation to the following day if the weather allowed. That day I slept by the fireplace because it was freezing, and I did not have any form of heating. I forgot to shut the blinds, and the first rays of sunshine hit me straight on the face, which meant I woke up earlier than usual. Just when I thought it would be a bright and sunny day, out of nowhere, it became cloudy, and I knew without a doubt that we would have to postpone the installation again. It also meant another night by the fireplace.