Yesterday I had the longest day at work! I work for a local heating and air conditioning company and today I agreed to work a long 12 hour day because they needed extra help.
It was something I ended up really regretting after I committed to it. I do not think I have ever in my life done so much heating and air conditioning work in one day before. I did an HVAC installation job and a heating and air conditioning system repair job back to back right before I had my lunch break. I had never done something like that before! Then after lunch it was onto several more heating and air conditioning repair jobs. By the end of the day I was so wiped out I thought I was surely going to die. I got a real good night rest and then the next day I was right back to work at the good old heating and air conditioning company. It was a really tough week. But after the weekend I will be able to fully recover from all of this and then be back to normal. One thing is for certain though, and that is I will never end up agreeing to work those kind of hours ever again at the local heating and air conditioning company where I work at. It is way too much for me to be able to handle in my middle ages here. When I was young, it would have been a different story all together.