Alice didn’t have to use the cooling unit in the perfect weather

Now that was a nightmare for Alice and there was no way she could afford the emergency HVAC repair because it cost an arm and a leg

In the Spring season when the weather warmed up a wonderful amount, Alice went ahead and painted the outside of her cabin. The paint was truthfully looking kind of dull even after being cleaned, so she chose something that made her home pop. Alic went with the perfect color that seemed light and vibrant enough, but it was just a light yellow color. Still, it looked wonderful when the painting process was done. It was also nice to open up all the windows to let the lovely breeze come through when the paint was done drying. These are the afternoons Alice tends to look forward to, when she doesn’t even have to use her HVAC unit and the weather is perfect. This is when it’s time to get around to Spring cleaning and planning for other important things such as having the air conditioning system plan tuned up. Alice will never forget one season when she missed that and ended up having the air conditioning system break down in the Summer season on a miserably hot day. It was an awful time but she did manage to stay at her parents’ home until the Heating and A/C professional came to repair the cooling system. It took 4 long days to get the Heating and A/C professional out to the house. Now that was a nightmare for Alice and there was no way she could afford the emergency HVAC repair because it cost an arm and a leg. Alice learned her lesson from that experience and consistently has her HVAC system tuned up early. She’s also thinking about getting a current cooling plan update sometime soon, but not in the next few months.


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