Author: Sally

Taking care of my heating and cooling system

Being a homeowner is more than just paying a mortgage. It’s also about protecting as well as enhancing that investment in your home, but home is also your shelter as well as it provides heating as well as cooling as well. This should be considered somewhat of a safe place and an enormous investment! But […]

Stinky air is a memory thanks to air purifier

You absolutely know there is a problem when you’d rather stay inside the zone controlled HVAC of work than go home. That’s when I knew that I had to do something about my indoor air quality. All I had been doing was throwing air fresheners and ionizers at the problem. But as soon as the […]

Grilled Cheese sandos for Breakfast

I have a grilled cheese sandwich each day as a reminder of our dad, who used to eat them each afternoon for breakfast when I would go to visit him. I prefer having them with a couple of eggs or a bowl of tomato soup, so that I get enough protein for the afternoon meal. […]

Radiant heating just like when I was a little kid

Now that I’m in my late 60’s, I’m getting a much better understanding of life’s patterns and cycles. The term full circle comes to mind. But the older I get, the more I’m feeling how things from my past continue to flow through my life. That’s true when it comes to an HVAC experience I […]