Something occurred to myself and others the other afternoon.
I was thinking back to when almost everyone cooled their homes in the Summer with window air conditioners. While today most use central air conditioning. Between the several when you suppose about it, having a window air conditioning method was so much easier to maintain in addition to cheaper to run. Could it be that window air conditioning was the better way all along for the average toiling class person? Also there was something about window air conditioning units that I remember clearly. And that was that the window a/cs had better air coming out. That of course is just our opinion. But I assume as if the air conditioning coming out of the window a/c unit was much better in the way it felt. It wasn’t as dry as what comes out of a central heating in addition to cooling system. Again, this could be just myself and others in addition to our faulty memory. But that is how I remember it. Which brings myself and others back to the original question. Could window air conditioning been better than central air conditioning? I assume in the end it is just a matter of opinion on the air quality that came out. But I suppose that having less repair in addition to cheaper to run energy wise does class it as better! I had thought about it in addition to wished that I did not get rid of our outdated window air conditioner. Otherwise after this thought of mine the other afternoon, I would have installed it in addition to shut off the central air conditioning method for good!