I don’t know if it is just coincidence or flat out bad luck, but I swear it seems like I have the absolute worst luck when it comes to things breaking down on me.
From an A/C unit, to my car, to everything in between it seems.
The problems seemed to get worse and worse a few days ago when I was at home working out in my garage and the air conditioning system broke down on me. I seriously had no idea what happened since I am not well versed in the HVAC field, and after calling my dad to get some help I still had no clue what to do. I ended up looking up some HVAC tutorials online that were supposed to show me how to fix these things on the air conditioning system, and two hours later I finally had the air conditioning unit back up and running. After spending all that time focusing on fixing up this damn unit, I realized that I had basketball practice and needed to get on the road as soon as possible or I would be late. As soon as I was able to get on the highway I heard a weird sound coming from the engine and my car slowly stalled to a halt. I had no choice but to call a car service company and sit on the side of the road for an hour or so. One of my dad’s favorite sayings is that sometimes when it rains it pours, but on that day in particular it was full of storms!