I am not one who is a fan of hail storms as it is.
What’s even worse is that when it hails I hate the fact that the hail bounces off of my central heating and air conditioning unit and makes a loud racket! Especially if it’s at night when i’m trying to sleep.
My central heating and air conditioning system sits right outside my bedroom window, and when that hail comes crashing down it is nearly impossible to sleep. We don’t get hail that often, but when we do I have ear plugs that I put in. I eventually ended up buying them after this one winter where we had more than the usual one hail storm. I had also thought about possibly relocating my central heating and air conditioning system unit, but after looking into it with my local heating and cooling company I found that it would cost way too much money to do that. This was when I figured out about just buying a few pairs of ear plugs to deal with it when it happens. Right now we are in the start of a super hot summer, so I do not have to worry about it for probably almost a year. But when the hail comes back and starts pounding the hell out of my central heating and air conditioning system unit, I will for sure be ready! What i’m really surprised at is that my heat and a/c unit has no dents it in from as hard as that hail hits!