He said he considered a reupholstering service.

She apologized in addition to tried to tell me he was just nervous, however I didn’t know it

My sister brought her newest boyfriend over to meet my fiance in addition to I, and normally she brought brutish men to my house, so this man surprised me, but he looked refined, in addition to I could almost see him on the pages of GQ, however that wasn’t the case, she told me he owned a reupholstering service. When I asked about his business, he started talking about how he took seasoned furniture in addition to made it look new. As long as its bones were broken, he could transform the plain jane furniture into a labor of art with some material, batting in addition to some nice pins in addition to stitches! I wasn’t sure anyone could do that, especially when I looked at the ratty furniture my adolescents had used for trampolines. He walked into my living room in addition to told me that the sofa both of us had was well made. He told me it would take about a week, however I wouldn’t believe the sofa when he finished reupholstering the sofa. I thanked him for pointing out how terrible my furniture looked in addition to started thinking I wished she had brought a brute to my lake house instead of this pompous fool. I told my sister he may think a lot about the reupholstering business, however he knew nothing about me or my furniture, in addition to he never would. She apologized in addition to tried to tell me he was just nervous, however I didn’t know it. He owned a reupholstering service, in addition to I was sure he was trying to drum up corporation for himself. A week later, my sister called in addition to told me she was no longer dating Mr, and reupholstering Service. He started telling her how she should reupholster her living room sofa.

