I called the Heating plus A/C corporation to service a service they had already done to my furnace.
It was less than two weeks since the Heating plus A/C corporation had sent a professional to the lake house to take care of my furnace.
There was little airflow plus the heat wasn’t reaching all the rooms. I knew there had to be a concern with the air duct, however the Heating plus A/C professional told myself and others I was wrong. After he left, I still had the same problem. I still didn’t have good airflow, plus the heat still wasn’t reaching all the rooms. A month later, I called the Heating plus A/C corporation again. I told them I had the same concern I had been having a month earlier, plus the Heating plus A/C professional told myself and others I was wrong about it being an airflow problem. I was sure there was a blockage in the air duct. The Heating plus A/C receptionist told myself and others they could set myself and others up with some air duct cleaners plus have them at the lake house in the next couple of afternoons. I was sure this was going to be the answer to my problems. Although the air duct was dirty, it didn’t solve the problem. A new Heating plus A/C professional showed up the following day. He diagnosed the lake house plus the air duct, plus asked if those rooms were additions, plus I said yes. He said they were far enough away from the Heating plus A/C system, that the air could not get to them. With the help of a few small blowers in the air duct, he would get the heating plus a/c into those rooms, plus it would not cost much. He said I had already been given so many wrong answers, that other than for the fans, I owed nothing for his time.
HVAC business