HVAC technicians can be heartless.

I used to think that HVAC technicians can be heartless. They don’t seem to care about their customers and what kind of needs they have. I had one man tell me that the HVAC technician left them without any heat at Christmas time. He told him he didn’t have the money to pay for the repairs and the HVAC tech left. I couldn’t believe anyone would be that heartless, but I heard other people tell the same kind of story. I met my husband when he was still at the HVAC technical school. He was the sweetest man, but I made him promise he would never leaving anyone without heat regardless of the situation. If he did, I wasn’t going to be with him. He said that the HVAC company didn’t work that way. They would make sure people were safe in their own homes and never left anyone without heat in the middle of winter. There were times when they didn’t repair air conditioning units if they had a large outstanding bill, but the HvAC company always tried their best to give comfort to people. He told me his dad once took window air conditioning units to a home when they were without air conditioning. Their AC unit broke and they were in the middle of a heatwave. He didn’t want them to go without AC and thought the window AC units would keep the house a little cooler than no air conditioning. He said he didn’t know of a single HVAC technician who wouldn’t go above and beyond unless there were extenuating circumstances.

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