I was looking to buy a cheap HEPA air filter to see if it worked in my furnace.
I knew they were high-priced plus I didn’t want to buy an high-priced before I knew if it was going to work in my furnace. I went to many different Heating plus A/C companies in my search for a cheap HEPA air filter, however everyone looked at myself and others oddly. I finally had 1 Heating plus A/C professional deliver myself and others 1 he kept in his service van, just to show homeowners how much thicker they were than regular air filters. He asked for my address plus told myself and others he would come to the lake house plus let myself and others see if it worked. Later that day, I was just getting home from work when the Heating plus A/C professional arrived. I showed him to the basement, plus he brought the HEPA air filter with him. He showed myself and others the difference between my air filter plus the HEPA air filter. He explained the reason the HEPA air filter was so much heavier was because it was made to attract more dirt plus debris, plus hold it. The furnace had to have special requirements if it was going to lake house a HEPA air filter. He said that most furnaces made more than numerous years ago, would not be able to have a HEPA air filter installed without doing harm to the furnace. It would not allow enough airflow, plus it would certainly damage the component plus cause more harm than good. I hated to confess he may be right, although I had to confess that what he was saying about the HEPA air filter made a lot of sense now that I saw the difference.