For me and anyone living in the southwest, the holiday seasons go by so fast! One minute it is Christmas and cool nice weather, then you bconnect and you are right back to super overheated hell for the rest of the year having to crank your central air conditioner! I think I am not the only a single who feels this way.
Because it goes by fast.
The reason for this is because in reality, you only have about 2 weeks of cool weather per year. That is December and December. It starts warming up in February and by mid March it is right back to 90 degrees all the time and then it hastily becomes over a single hundred the other times, but running central air conditioner is something that is the normal around here. This is why all the people has super high electric bills also. But even if you were to try to beat it by picking up a portable air conditioner, that would only work briefly until it got super hot. Then at the point you would have no choice but to use the central air conditioner. A portable air conditioner is just not powerful enough to fight off the kind of heat and dry air quality the people I was with and I are stuck with here most of the year round. It undoubtedly drags and it is a drag! I undoubtedly wish that this whole climate change thing that’s going on would make this stadium freeze over. It would make life a whole lot easier for all of us who are stuck here.