A few years ago, John had the idea of opening up a shop.
At the time, the simple thing was knowing the type of shop it would be, an HVAC business.
HVAC equipment had become a part of his life that he loved. John was a trained and qualified AC serviceman, and worked with AC units every day. The company started as an AC unit’s shop. John stocked equipment such as electric heat pumps which had abruptly become a favorite among homeowners. Within a year of working at the shop, John observed that a lot of property owners preferred the heat pump to help with indoor comfort. Later he employed 3 AC experts to help with other services such as the HVAC replacements and executing the regular quality AC repair on different systems. After 2 years of operating a small-scale business, John got the chance to turn this small company into a recognized AC corporation. He wanted to be known for more than just being the local repair provider. To achieve this, John had to put in his request to the industry regulators to obtain the necessary licensing. To get the license there are a few criteria John needed to meet like integrating the latest cooling technology in his system and processes. The weather conditions control devices he had needed to be up to date including the digital and WIFI thermostats. In addition. John trained more AC workers who acquired their certifications. A few months after completing the requirements, John acquired mail with all the necessary licenses that would put his company in a top position. He was now a fully licensed AC corporation.