Loving my workouts thanks to ductless HVAC

It’s sort of hard for me to accept just how much the old gym was keeping me from my best workout. That seems completely counter intuitive. And it seems like the opposite reason for joining a gym. My idea was to stop being so sedentary and try to improve my health that’s why I joined the gym. Instead of going from sitting in the commercial HVAC of the office to sitting in the air conditioning in my home, I thought I would get to the gym. This seemed like a better idea and it was overdue as my doctor had been calling for a change when it came to my lifestyle. But I can be really hard headed when it comes to changing up routine. Plus, I’ve never really been the workout sort of guy. When that was all the rage back in college, I was inside the air conditioning studying or playing video games. So for sure, going to the gym for a workout was new to me. But the thing with the gym was that I never felt comfortable there. The staff was great and they did much to show me how to use the equipment. But I really didn’t like working out with all the other people. Plus the commercial HVAC in that gym really was overwhelmed. The air conditioning was never to the point where it felt cooling at all. But now, I have a home gym with a ductless heat pump that has made all the difference. I actually want to go work out now and enjoy the air conditioning that comes from the ductless heat pump. I can’t believe how much more I’m getting out of my workouts these days thanks to this HVAC technology.


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