Since we were young, my brother has wanted to own his own business.
An uncle of mine was a big-time business owner.
He would have great presents for us whenever he visited my mom and his sister. He is the one who started fanning the flame of entrepreneurship in my brother. My uncle is a trained electrician who runs a big-time electrical installation and repair business. He encouraged us not to focus so much on university but attend technical schools. My brother finished high school before me and went on to HVAC school. He trained to become an HVAC professional while attending business classes at a local community college. After finishing school, he followed my uncle’s advice once more and went to work at a local HVAC business. The goal was to gain as much experience as possible while also learning the ins and outs of the HVAC industry. After 5 years of working for 2 different HVAC businesses, my brother set off on his own. He gained ample knowledge and saved up to start his new venture. His goal was to enter the new business with as little debt as possible. My uncle and mom supported me since starting a new business isn’t easy. But, thanks to his experience and personable nature, the business picked up. Mom always talked to her friends and neighbors to drum up business for my brother. My uncle also taught him how to use online platforms for marketing his new HVAC business. Now, my brother owns a successful HVAC business, and I’ve been working for him for 2 years.