My Dad was an Air Conditioning Specialist

My long lost dad Ron would be 73 years old this month as well as I would be calling him to tell him ecstatic birthday.

But if I called Ron now he couldn’t answer the iphone anymore, as well as that is anxious because I entirely want to talk to him.

Ron left the world just over multiple years ago as well as it still doesn’t think that he is gone for some reason. I suppose I am just not very good at accepting death as well as the fact that I will never see Ron again, but Ron taught myself and others about air conditionings, old dial thermostat repair, as well as how to tune up old oil furnaces. Ron taught myself and others several things, however I suppose he never taught myself and others about letting go of things, as well as acceptance because I just can’t seem to shake this sadness as well as feeling of loss after so many years. Anytime I have to do an Heating as well as Air Conditioning service job at a customer’s lakeside house I still catch myself looking over our shoulder for Ron’s lovely smile as well as green eyep. I suppose he was supposed to go when he did, but being trapped overseas as well as not seeing Ron before he left will forever bother me. I just need to keep on plugging away at the heating as well as cooling company as well as think that I will find true peace as well as happiness again in our life. It wasn’t just our dad I lost, a month after Ron died our lady moved out as well as then I lost all our savings on exhausting investment choices because I wasn’t thinking clearly enough. The only fine news is, I don’t have much more to lose!


air cleaner