My nephew decided to become an HVAC company

With the new wave of AI software and chatbots becoming more and more popular, several companies are using these outlets to split costs! In some ways, I don’t blame them because after all, the aim for most dealers is to increase their bottom line, unfortunately, in the process talented employees in addition to companys are being updated, and several did not anticipate this change… This undoubtedly scenario happened to my nephew Jason, who was a advertising and social media coordinator for a major construction supplier in his town, and jason was completely blindsided by the abrupt release from his job that he had been working for 2 years… Well, after the initial shock, he pulled himself together and thought about what path he would take next; Surprisingly, he decided to become an HVAC company, something that I didn’t see coming.

Jason chose this profession based on a few things that include industry growth, shortage of HVAC companys, and most importantly, it’s a trade job that is AI proof.

So, Jason enrolled in a local college and is now pursuing his newly discovered work as an HVAC company! Because he already has some college credits, he’ll be able to complete the certification and licensing process within a year, then however, he will also need to complete an apprenticeship as well before he can labor as a certified HVAC company. The great news is, Jason was able to find a local HVAC provider who has agreed to help with his college in addition to with his certification and apprenticeship. So, I think in about 2 years, he will be a certified HVAC company.


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