But I happened to luck out finding this heating and air conditioning company and even more lucky because they actually hired me for the job to be one of their certified heat and a/c specialists
Dealing with job lay offs can be pretty troublesome. Especially when you are in a single career like I am. I work in the heating and air conditioning business as a certified heat and a/c specialist. And recently I was laid off from the heating and cooling company that I had worked for for a long time so far. 7 years is pretty long. So I had to really search hard to find a new heating and air conditioning company that was looking to hire experienced heat and a/c specialists like myself. After 2 months of hard searching I finally landed a new job! This new heating and air conditioning company that work for is really great and so far I really enjoy working here. Finding a good heat and a/c company to work for is not easy in itself. But I happened to luck out finding this heating and air conditioning company and even more lucky because they actually hired me for the job to be one of their certified heat and a/c specialists. I have been here about a month now and I actually have to say that I am more happy here than the other heat and a/c company that I worked for going on 7 years! These people pay a lot more and also they offer benefits that the other heating and air conditioning company I used to work for did not. I hope to be with this heating and air conditioning company for a long time if they do not experience any lay offs.