My wife is the one to talk to when it comes to gardening

My wife has always been an expert gardener.

  • The only thing she needed my help with was digging up a space for her to plant all her plants and flowers.

Over the years, the space has grown even larger as she dreams of adding more plants to her garden. This year, we made a space for her to grow watermelons and she has a special set up that has little pockets to hold the developing watermelons and keep them off the ground. This year, the children were curious about how the garden functioned. They wanted to know about the flowers and how they produced seeds and things like that. I wasn’t the expert like their mother, but I told them briefly how plants need pollinators like bees and other insects to spread the pollen so that plants are able to produce fruit. The bees use the pollen to eat basically like a protein they need. People sometimes mistakenly think that bees use the pollen to produce honey, but it’s actually the nectar they take from different plants that allows them to produce honey. They use the pollen to feed themselves and to also feed the baby bees. While everybody was out there speaking with their mom about the garden, it was becoming very hot outside. I tried to tell everybody that I wanted to get back inside to enjoy some air conditioning for a little while. I need AC breaks from time to time especially when it’s seriously overheated outside. Noone seemed to be paying attention and then I asked if everybody wanted some ice-cream. That got their attention! Suddenly we were all inside with the pleasant air conditioning. I fixed everybody some lunch and then we enjoyed some ice cream before leaving the air conditioning to go back outside again.

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