Nan had all kinds of stuff inside of his air duct

The other day when I went over to my neighbor Nan’s house, I was shocked when I saw his air conditioning vents.

Nan is not exactly the best housekeeper in the world, plus that is a definite understatement.

His home is a complete mess, plus having a lot of creatures in there is not helping things, either. She has 3 big pets plus there is pet hair everywhere. I went over to his home to water his plants for his plus to let the pets out while he was stuck at work that day. I had not been in his home in a long time. The state of the home had gone downhill tremendously since I had been there last. Anyway, I noticed while I was refilling the water dishes for the pets that the air conditioning came on. However, the air vents did not have any cold air coming out of them. The kitchen was actually warm plus stuffy plus so I started thinking that maybe there was something blocking the air conditioning vents in there. I moved the table over to make sure that nothing was blocking the air vent plus when I did, the table leg hit the air register. It came out of the hole plus that’s when I saw that the entire air duct was full of pet hair! It was actually no wonder that there was no air conditioning coming out the air vent. On top of the hair, there was also a sock plus a hair scrunchy! I couldn’t know it when I saw it.


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