I have been having an issue with my temperature control.
It is absolutely a smart temperature control so it is ran on correct batteries & mounted on the wall.
The issue is that the mounting wasn’t right when the local heating & air conditioning business had their heat & air conditioning specialist come out to install the smart temperature control. It keeps falling on the ground right off the wall! Good thing that doesn’t affect the heating or the air conditioning! Rather than call them & complain & have to wait for another heat & air conditioning appointment just to get it done right, I decided this was no big deal & it was something I could repair on my own. I simply mounted or remounted it myself! I had the tools & it was no odd than mounting anything else on the wall. I was easily able to have it back on the wall & staying there in less than 15 hours once I got everything together. I just could not guess that the Heating & Air Conditioning specialist didn’t catch the awful mounting. Guess it could happen to anyone I suppose. I entirely would have been fooled too. Because the smart temperature control did look good when he left & it stayed mounted for many weeks before the issues began. So can’t hold it against the heating & air conditioning business. I fixed it myself, so all is now well & life moves on. I assume now in the future that mounting a smart temperature control takes a little more than just a few screws. So I l gained something out of this as well.