I was surprised to see my nephew come to the door.

Last week, I called the local HVAC company and asked if I could get some service on my air conditioning unit.

I was going on vacation in two weeks, and I wanted to make sure my air conditioning unit was serviced before I left.

I didn’t want to come home and turn on the air conditioning unit to find that it wasn’t working properly. Two days later, I saw the service van pull into the driveway, and two minutes later there was a knock on the door. I was so surprised to see my nephew come to the door, that I almost didn’t answer it. The last time I heard anything about my nephew was when my brother told me he was in juvenile court for possession of drugs and trying to sell them. I thought he was in jail, and I was afraid to open the door. I then remembered I hadn’t seen my nephew in over five years. I took him out back to look at the air conditioning unit. When he had it cleaned and inspected, he told me he changed the air filter, cleaned the condensate drain, and he put a new fan blade on. He looked at me and told me he had changed. While in juvenile lock up, he met a young man whose father was an HVAC technician. He said he admired the man, and he wanted to be like him. He helped him got through HVAC school while still juvenile lock up, and he hadn’t even looked at drugs since the day he met the HVAC technician. I gave him a hug and said I was proud of him.


commercial air conditioning system

I was thinking the HVAC technician was odd.

I had a husband who was always talking to himself.

There were times when I heard him have a complete conversation about nothing and arguing over who was right and who was wrong.

I wondered if it really mattered since he was the only one arguing. When I called the HVAC company, I was thinking the HVAC technician was odd. He showed up right on time, which in itself is an oddity. He went right to work, but I heard him talking outside. I didn’t know what he was talking about or to whom, but he seemed to be upset about something. I stood by the window listening for almost ten minutes. I was finding it fascinating that more men than my husband would talk to themselves when working. I stood there for one more minute before I realized he had earphones in his ears. The HVAC technician wasn’t arguing with himself, but he was having a conversation with someone else. I knew they were talking about air conditioning units, and I wondered if they were discussing mine. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with the air conditioning unit. I just wanted to have it cleaned and serviced before summer arrived. When he came into the house, he told me the air conditioning was in fine condition and there was no charge because of my maintenance plan. I looked at him and asked why he was saying there was a problem. He laughed and said he was talking about his van’s HVAC system. That is the last time I ever eavesdropped on someone’s telephone calls.

cooling technology

Time for my sizzling bath

Jeez, just a month ago I had about $14K with my stock plus this week it is worth just $5k.

I would never want to be a full time trader as it is way too much stress for me.

I don’t guess how those clowns on Wall Street do it every afternoon in that tied up office where everyone is screaming at the stock prices plus whatnot. I savor to keep life easy plus it seems the less cash I have the more easy life is. As long as I have the things I need after that I am totally content. Heating plus A/C cooling plus heating is one thing that I need for happiness, along with a nice quiet flat plus a couple little cats sleeping on an air cleaner. I was an engineer back 30 years ago but I found it to be too complicated plus lacking fun. Now I am a tunesian plus work about 15 minutes a week, then the rest of the time is spent making current songs plus entertaining people. It is a much more exciting life than working for the local supplier making Heating plus A/C unit in a large factory with no windows. I would come home after a long afternoon of work plus not have any energy left to do anything else but eat lunch plus watch TV, however i was building heat pumps for large commercial shoppers plus making air cleaners for airports plus large buildings, however there was a lot of paperwork plus meetings that came with that task plus also a lot of minutes each week spent in a locale that rivals a prison.



air conditioning install

A straight-forward life plus a straight-forward cooling system system

Okay, I just got back from the coast plus it is nice to be warm.

Yesterday I went shopping for food plus saw the most appealing lady laboring in the store, so appealing that I wanted to tell her however why bother, so I didn’t say anything plus just left.

Does a pretty woman need to be told that she is pretty? And why do every one of us know the need to tell them, even if nothing comes out of it? I’m not sure, however it doesn’t easily matter because I didn’t say anything plus she is too pretty for me. Heating from my oil furnace is the only thing keeping myself and others moderate nowadays, as it has been a year or more since I broke up with my Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C rep ex wifey. I know appreciate I needed some time to myself for maybe multiple years, just to find myself plus reset my spirit. Anyway, enough blabbing about love, let’s get onto some heating plus cooling component talk plus focus on my Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C program in my flat. It is an older program plus I know it is going to need to be upgraded a single day, although I don’t have the money to do it now so I am going to have to make it labor for the rest of this year. The heating dealership down the road is where I will really buy my next electric or gas oil furnace, however it is going to be another year till that happens given the bad state of the stock market now. I guess patience is key in this kind of situation.

heating corp

Time for our hot water bath

I was an engineer back 30 years ago but I found it to be too complicated plus lacking fun.

Jeez, just a week ago I had about $14K with our stock plus today it is worth just $5k. I would never want to be a full time trader as it is way too much stress for me. I don’t know how those clowns on Wall Street do it every day in that busy office where everyone is screaming at the stock prices plus whatnot. I like to keep life simple plus it seems the less money I have the more simple life is. As long as I have the things I need then I am totally pleased. Heating plus Air Conditioning cooling plus heating is one thing that I need for happiness, along with a nice quiet flat plus a couple little cats sleeping on an media whole-house air purifier. I was an engineer back 30 years ago but I found it to be too complicated plus lacking fun. Now I am a songsian plus labor about 15 hours a week, then the rest of the time is spent making current songs plus entertaining people. It is a much more exciting life than laboring for the local corporation making Heating plus Air Conditioning unit in a big factory with no windows. I would come home after a long day of labor plus not have any energy left to do anything else however eat dinner plus watch TV, i was building heat pumps for big commercial clients plus making media whole-house air purifiers for airports plus giant buildings; There was a lot of paperwork plus meetings that came with that job plus also a lot of hours each week spent in a locale that rivals a prison.


heating repair