Close proximity to a tanning factory that is a menace to indoor air quality in homes

I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it didn’t even matter; the air quality had still not improved. The foul smell of the nearby leather-turning factory could still be felt. The factory had been issued a foreclosure order, but they always managed to wiggle their way out of it or buy time, but this time round, the word in town was they would finally close down for good. The factory would be moved to a different place, which would be good riddance for most of us. Even with that in mind, I had to do something about our air quality systems. I resolved to upgrade to an intelligent HVAC unit with better air cleaning help. I called the HVAC company to confirm the details and to add to the home services. The HVAC professional who advised me said my idea was excellent. He also added that given the proximity of my home to the factory, it was best to include an air purification system. The whole-home air purification unit would ensure good indoor air throughout the year. The other reason I called the local contractor for home services was to order an air filter, which we would change monthly to improve air quality courtesy of the processing plant. When other homes conducted duct cleaning maybe every four years, ours had to be done more often than that since the ductwork was more often than not covered in soot. The HVAC technicians did their best to attend to all our needs. We kept HVAC maintenance at twice a year to help with indoor comfort. It was every homeowner’s dream to be rid of the factory as soon as possible. Most had given up on that since every time their hopes were raised, they crashed shortly after.
air cleaner

Horrible allergies and why we had to pay for duct cleaning

After being a stay-at-home mom for two years, my friend and I opened a daycare. We installed the best HVAC unit that the HVAC company could offer to help with indoor comfort. Given that we were to cater to kids between six months and one year, we also installed an air purification system because we didn’t want babies struggling with respiratory diseases while their moms were away working. We enlisted for home service with the HVAC technician from the local business to ensure we kept up with the HVAC maintenance schedule, significantly changing the air filter for improved air quality. All was well until the kids started showing symptoms of allergies. Unfortunately, one baby already had adenoids, and the mom withdrew him from daycare to avoid worsening the condition because he was struggling. That’s when we decided to close the daycare for a while until we solved the issue for the welfare of all the babies. The first thing we did was call the HVAC professional to assess all our air quality systems to see if the issue was somewhere within. We also called the local contractor who’d been in charge of the renovations in our daycare center when we renovated it to fit our needs, and he agreed that it could be a potential issue with the air in the rooms or something in our garden. Everything was inspected, with even a botanical florist coming to check on all the plants we had blooming; they let our triggering pollen into our sunroom area. The assessments revealed that we had accumulated dirt in the ductwork, which could be resolved with professional duct cleaning. Once the clean-up was complete, we reopened the daycare, and it’s been easy for all of us since.

a/c corporation

Shopping for an air purification system blindly

I was doing retail therapy last summer when I came across an air purification system.

It promised to improve the air quality in any space and help with indoor comfort.

I thought of it as a perfect addition to our quality HVAC unit, thinking it would save us from the multiple HVAC maintenance calls, especially since there seemed to be increased dust in the air that season. I pressed buy and went on to wait for what I hoped was the best air quality system in the market. All I needed to do was call an HVAC professional to install it once it was delivered. When the HVAC technician came over, I realized my mistake in my rushed purchase. I had not considered the system’s specs when buying it for my house. The HVAC company expert told me that the unit was the same as buying an air filter and that what I had bought was ionized, which would not work well since my house has many metallic features. I also did not need to add anything to what I already had in place, so it was a wasted purchase. However, I mentioned the dust situation, and the technician recommended I sign up for their home service duct cleaning to remove any accumulated dust and change the filters. While cleaning, I got the idea to call the local contractor who’d handled the house’s ductwork when it was built and ask him if he could purchase the purifier. Lucky for me, he took my offer, and I ended up recovering my money because it was quality equipment, just not for my house.

washable filter

Learning all about conserving heating

All I can remember about the winter before was that I just never felt like I was getting enough from the gas furnace.

But then again, the first winter up here was a bit of a blur in general.

The combination of a new position with new responsibilities and the biting cold were a bit overwhelming. As for the office, I just did my best to stay late, do more and really learn and understand my new position. There were plenty of long nights inside the commercial HVAC of that office. And to be sure, I had a space heater with me everywhere I went. Really though, the cold here is unlike anything I could have ever imagined. There are mornings where I walk out of the heating comfort of my home to nearly have my breath stolen by the level of cold here. If I ever get back south, I’m never complaining about a summer that is too hot and needs too much air conditioning. But I can’t even let the thoughts of a mild winter with a heat pump enter my mind. Otherwise, it just makes this situation all the more painful. However, I think I did score a win in winter number two. With the help of my neighbor, I learned how to seal up my house to maximize the efficiency of the gas furnace. I followed just what he told me and it worked. I was much warmer this winter with a much lower thermostat setting. We’ve still got plenty of winter left but so far, I think I’ve saved nearly 20 percent on heating costs.


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Better out here with residential HVAC

I’m so completely accustomed to not hearing anything but nature hour after hour, day in and day out.

That comes with living many, many miles from the next human person.

So when I heard a vehicle approach, it was like hearing the Martians landing. But now and again, my buddies and family will venture out this far to find me in my cabin and doing my thing. This time, a buddy was bringing me some residential HVAC. I happen to be childhood friends with a guy who is an HVAC professional. Actually, that’s sort of understating it as my buddy owns an HVAC company. He started out as an HVAC technician only to end up with his own HVAC company. And one of his HVAC company vehicles with four wheel drive was bringing me a ductless heat pump. I live far enough out that I am not connected to the electrical grid. A few years ago, I upgraded my solar array to the most advanced iteration which allows for more kilowatt load. So I decided to splurge on some quality heating and air. Of course, I have all the heating I need with my stove. But having some air conditioning in the summer sounds really appealing. There are some nights that are so still and hot that just a fan doesn’t get me to sleep. So having the cooling comfort of the ductless heat pump will certainly fit the bill. My buddy was able to get the ductless heat pump installed in an afternoon. So I made him a steak dinner with some of the finest home brewed beer in the land.



ac filter