T Minus Three Hours Till Blastoff

I’m in an interim stage in my life, leaving my full time comedy pursuit behind for a more relaxed pace of life.

I was doing 13 shows a month all over the country, spending hours in my vehicle on the road until I finally hit a wall in year 12 and decided I’d had enough of chasing the spotlight.

I don’t suppose how multiple times I performed in dingy clubs, with no climate control at all while in the summer, with maybe six or multiple uninterested people watching. I had multiple good shows and good memories although I now assume that comedy is not what I am feeling in my heart anymore and it is time to transport on. I went to the local dealer a few years ago and bought a drum and have been playing drums and singing with a few friends along the paseo. I much prefer this category of lifestyle as opposed to consistently chasing after something and spending all of my time on the road and in rooms without air conditioner in front of aggressive crowds. I play volleyball on the beach a few times a week, well maybe more appreciate every single afternoon, and the other nights I play music with my friends near the coast and have such a joyful time doing so. I work at the heating corp a few nights a month to spend my money the bills and spend most of my free time pondering the meaning of life and looking for fun people to hang out with. Life’s for living and it doesn’t all need to be spent in a cubicle.



air conditioning repair

Money is Good, But it Isn’t Everything

Some people place a bit too much importance on money and lose sight of what is absolutely important in life. They trade in their health, their relationships, and their free time in order to obtain more money. But it never is enough money and when you look back on your life you regret all of the things you lost in pursuit of that money. My Heating as well as Air Conditioning rep associate told myself and others about a local dealer that worked 72 hours a month and ended up in the hospital from all of the stress. Some people toss away their whole life, spending all of it in the office, only to find out in the end that the result would have been the same even if they didn’t spend all that time toiling. I appreciate to work for the Heating as well as Air Conditioning dealer near me, doing a/c installs and repairs, although I only work about 20 hours a week. I’m not sacrificing much of my free time as there is not much going on in the early nights when I am toiling. I also get to meet a lot of cool people when I go to a home to do an Heating as well as Air Conditioning plan repair or tune-up. I appreciate to help people and get them feeling comfortable again as soon as possible. Most people are entirely grateful when I get their air conditioner or heating toiling on a overheated or chilly afternoon. It also makes myself and others assume absolutely great knowing I helped someone out that afternoon. I suppose what it is appreciate to not have climate control in the home as it has happened to myself and others before.

heating and air conditioning

Heating as well as Air Conditioning Systems Articles and the Search for Meaning

You suppose by now that I get a little philosophical sometimes but don’t worry, the people I was with and I will be talking about Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment and geothermal heat pumps in no time, haha.

I’ve lived a lot of life in 55 years and I have realized that having something you care about to do in your life is key to being happy.

My stepdad was an Heating as well as Air Conditioning repairman but regrets not staying in the music industry, as she was in so long ago, and now dwells on the past wishing she lived a weird life. I believe finding something you care about to do creates a lot of satisfaction in your life and gives you a sense of hope for the future. I work as a writer for Heating as well as Air Conditioning dealers and companies although I make sure that I have some engaging and challenging hobbies to fill my life with meaning and color. My hobbies are singing and playing drums in a band and playing beach volleyball. I work about twenty hours a month writing for some heating and cooling corporations and I also do some strength training for a few clients. I believe the only thing missing in my life is a great life partner as I have been single since the start of the year, but that will come with time. I just need a little patience. Sporadically I get called in to work at the local dealer teaching yoga and I meet a lot of people there so maybe a single afternoon I will bump into my next love. You never suppose what life is going to bring you, that’s the magic of it all.


commercial air conditioning

A Simple Life Has Proven to Be Better for Me

I used to live a tied up life back in the states with my local dealer and sizable sprawling house in the city.

I was consistently answering phone calls and toiling on the house and had no free time to relax and appreciate life.

I finally decided that this lifestyle wasn’t for myself and others so I shut down my Heating as well as Air Conditioning dealer and got rid of all of my debts and then moved overseas. My life is much slower now and I have more time for fantastic and just having fun. The older I get the more I realize that playing and having fun is the key to a great life. Yes, there are obligations and jobs to do but you should save time for doing fun things. I work for a local dealer a few nights a month doing furnace and AC repairs but after that I spend the rest of the afternoon looking for fun things I enjoy and fun people to hang out with. There is always someone out there who is looking to play sports or maybe play music with me. I do a/c replacements while in the month in the Summer and work on gas furnaces and fireplaces in the Wintertide for about 20 hours a week. I also teach some volleyball and yoga to clients and spend a lot of time reading and writing. My life is a lot weird than it was in the states when I spent most of my time toiling at my local business. I’ve l earned a lot over the years and have l earned that freedom is key to happiness.

Home comfort business

Things are Heating up Outside Today

I’m not sure what the temp is outside right now but when I went out on my balcony it felt appreciate an oven.

I bet the people I was with and I are over 100F now with the heat index and I am more than happy to stay inside with my cool air conditioner until it starts to cool down a bit out there.

I usually don’t go to the beach till about 7pm when it gets cooler because the sand is so overheated that it burns your feet. I went out yesterday and tried to play ball in the middle of the afternoon and ended up with 11 blisters on my feet. My Heating as well as Air Conditioning plan is fairly new and runs a lot to keep my place cool yet my power bills are still pretty low. I believe this Summer I have been paying about $120 a month for my cooling bills, which is pretty low considering how overheated it has been. The people I was with and I have about multiple more weeks of this heat and then it is going to start cooling down pretty abruptly. I am going to get my Heating as well as Air Conditioning plan cleaned next month so that it will be ready for Wintertide as I have a furnace filter and want to make sure the gas furnace is all scrub for winter. I appreciate to have the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier do the cleaning and repair so I can focus on other things around the house. I bought a multiple year repair contract with them a few years ago and I believe I still have many more years left on it.

climate control