I have regularly thought that raw honey was expensive, but and though I understand the reason for the cost, it was something that I was regularly aware of, the price did not prevent myself and others from purchasing the honey because I think that honey has some good health benefits, then it is an antibacterial agent, it’s rich in antioxidants, may improve heart health, may help with the symptoms of a cold, plus so much more, however so, of course, it is beneficial to purchase honey just for the benefits alone, then even though I guess the raw honey that I purchase from the farmer’s market is expensive, there is another honey on the market that is several times or more expensive than the honey that I buy on a correct basis. This honey comes from another country, plus it has higher levels of antibacterial, antimicrobial, plus antioxidant properties than the local honey that I buy, but plus, this honey is precious plus accounts for 1% of the honey produced each year. Additionally, it can only be found in this one section of the world. Also, the honey is easily difficult to harvest because there is only a 2 to 6 month window where the plant that it is harvested from blooms. So, with all these benefits plus difficulty in producing this honey, it makes sense that it is the most expensive honey on the market. Personally, I won’t be purchasing that honey any time soon, although I will spend the extra cash to purchase raw locally grown honey at my neighborhood farmer’s market.