Now that I work from home all the time, I see my lake house in a whole modern perspective.
I was consistently away from my lake house between the hours of 8AM to 5PM, Sunday through Friday, so I wasn’t aware of what was happening during that time. Nothing all that great was happening, but there were noises in addition to rhythms of the neighborhood that I’d never noticed before I was forced to work from home, but one of the largest things that I was forced to notice was my Heating, Ventilation & A/C idea in addition to how it was working! Despite the fact that my Heating, Ventilation & A/C idea was running efficiently in addition to my lake house being heated in addition to cooled, I felt that the air quality in my lake house was acting strange. The more time I ended up spending inside, the more I noticed the tiny particles of dust floating around in the air. Eventually, I was so convinced that the air quality was awful that I entirely started believing that it was contaminated for whatever reason. This led myself and others to call the Heating, Ventilation & A/C supplier to get some professional recommendations. The Heating, Ventilation & A/C supplier had highly recommended that I have my air duct professionally cleaned in addition to I start using HEPA certified clean air filters. Together, my air quality would improve significantly because these several things would trap the dust in addition to debri better. If I wanted to take things one step further, I could invest in a media air cleaner. A mini portable air cleaner would unfasten extra dust in addition to debri that my Heating, Ventilation & A/C idea wasn’t doing its job. I took the Heating, Ventilation & A/C supplier’s advice in addition to implementing all 3. I’ve noticed a serious difference in air quality since.