The customer bought us pizza and soft drinks for lunch

The customer said he did not want us to work all day without any food and hoped that pepperoni pizza and Coca-Cola would be sufficient.

Jack and I often work together when there is a full system HVAC installation. A full system installation job can take all day to complete. It is always performed by two certified technicians. One person would not be able to complete the job in a single day, so full system installation jobs are performed by two technicians. Jack and I went to a condo to install a new heat pump and air conditioner. The customer was extremely nice and very friendly. When we arrived at the address, the guy showed us to the area where the installation would take place. He left us alone in the room to work on our own. The guy came back a couple of hours later. He wanted an update on our progress. We weren’t anywhere close to being done. In fact, we had only just finished getting rid of the old equipment. The customer came back after another hour, but this time he had pizza and soft drinks. The customer said he did not want us to work all day without any food and hoped that pepperoni pizza and Coca-Cola would be sufficient. The guy greeted us with a super nice surprise. Jack and I have had customers buy us food in the past, but the good will shown to both of us is always something that I find surprising. A lot of my co-workers complain about installation jobs, but I don’t mind spending all day in the same location. When the customers are friendly and nice, I don’t mind completing any heating and AC installation jobs.


air conditioning repair