Some things never change.
When I was 8 years old I absolutely hated going down to my parents basement because I had this furnace that was loud and creepy. Now the furnace works really well at keeping the house heated, in fact as old as it is I’m surprised it’s still around so it’s been a grade for, but aesthetically it isn’t pleasing. The basement is already cold, dark and creepy as it is, it doesn’t need an eerie red glowing furnace to add to it. Sometimes I swear that thing is alive. The noises it makes might convince you. Now of course these were all the things I thought when I was a kid, now here’s the thing that hasn’t changed at all those years every time I still go over to my parents’ house I feel pretty much the same way, the basement is creepy, the furnace is creepy, and it still makes eerie noises as if it’s alive. The main difference between now and then is that back then I actually thought that the furnace was a living thing that would swallow me whole. Now that I’m much older I know better than that, but that doesn’t mean that the furnace doesn’t still creep me out. I really try to avoid it as much as I can, even if it’s been a great furnace for my parents. I’m happy that in my own home I have my normal central heating and AC system. If I were to get a furnace I might get one of those modern electrical furnaces but I don’t think I’d ever get one of those old things that my parents have.