The HVAC company finally convinced me to get a service contract

After all, if there was some kind of disappointing storm that killed my central heating plus a/c this time, I would be fully covered by the heating plus a/c repair method to get a updatement heating, ventilation, plus A/C system for nothing other than the replacement cost

It is not often you can sell me on something that I am initially not interested in; however, when my local heating plus a/c corporation was going out of their way to sell me their heating, ventilation, plus A/C repair plan, they managed to turn me around when I was originally not interested! And the reason this happened was because they had a absolutely nice incentive to go with the heating plus a/c repair plan, and that is if I did not use it for anything other than some heating, ventilation, plus A/C tune up plus check ups within the first year, I would get my money back minus the cost of the heating, ventilation, plus A/C tune ups plus check ups that I would pay the official price for… However, with this incentive in mind, there was no harm in giving it a try plus see if I needed it or not. After all, if there was some kind of disappointing storm that killed my central heating plus a/c this time, I would be fully covered by the heating plus a/c repair method to get a updatement heating, ventilation, plus A/C system for nothing other than the replacement cost. And then if something like that did not happen or if I did not have any heating plus a/c breakdowns throughout the course of the year, I get all my money back minus the cost of any heating, ventilation, plus A/C tune ups I may have. And if I did not get any heating plus a/c tune up plus check ups, after that I get all my money back, no questions ever asked! This was nice enough for me!
