I was so overjoyed when the other day I got notice that I was getting a promotion at my work! I am a certified heating and a/c specialist at 1 of our local heat and a/c companies here in town. And I have been finally working for this heating and a/c supplier for the last 15 years, however it was also much to my surprise when I found out that they were going to be promoting me to the heating and air conditioning specialist who trains and shows the ropes to all modern heating and a/c worker employees that get hired right out of heating and cooling university… However, this will make my task a bit different for sure… Sure I will still be going out into the heating and air conditioning field and doing all the heating and a/c idea repairs, the heating and a/c idea installations and the heating and a/c idea tune up and check ups, then however when there are modern hires right out of heating and cooling university I will not have to go out on any heat and a/c works and will be back at the office teaching them the ropes. I will have more pay as well with this promotion. So this is undoubtedly a good thing. It may not be a promotion to chief heating and air conditioning specialist, however it is a close second in line in the promotions available at a heating and a/c business. I am undoubtedly looking forward to starting this modern promotion; because who actually knows, this could be the step to becoming chief heating and a/c specialist in the next coming months.