The new business address will be closer to downtown

I was spending a lot of time commuting from my house on the south side to the business address for my HVAC company which was on the north side.

I was easily losing 2 hours every day in the car and I missed the time I had with my family.

My wife and I looked for a shop space somewhere close to the house that was inexpensive. It took a while to phone the perfect place. When we finally did, we had to change the address and phone number on all of our advertising materials. This included our company website. We contacted the web design company and sent the guy an email with all of the new information. Two hours later, the changes were online and updated. I was pretty happy with the choices that the designer made to match everything so well. I was so busy looking at the new colors that I completely and totally missed the fact that the new business address was wrong. The phone number was wrong too. These two details went unrecognized for five days. We didn’t have a single phone call the first day and I went berserk. I thought the phone was broken and I thought our company was suddenly going down the toilet. I contacted the digital marketing company to find out what was going on and that’s when they realized that the phone number and address for the HVAC company were incorrect. It was a small oversight, but a serious blow to the first couple of days of our online digital marketing campaign.