I often feel cold when I am sitting in the hospital room, so I bring clothes plus blankets to keep me warm! When our daughter’s isolette is opened to change her sheets, I can also suppose the heat radiating out of it
In the beginning of September, our whole world changed when I had to have an emergency C-section at 24 weeks pregnant. I was planning on giving birth at the end of January! This experience has been extremely traumatic, however also rewarding because I got to meet our kid early… But since our kid was born, I have spent time in the NICU every single day. The NICU has honestly certain temperature requirements. The central air conditioning must stay between 71-71 degrees fahrenheit. The central air conditioning requirements keep the NICU cool to prevent the spread of diseases! Premature infants are at risk for diseases because their immune systems are not fully or completely developed yet, so maintaining air temperature is extremely important for their safety… And depending on how early neonates are born, they may be located in an isolette which replicates the environment of the uterus. The isolette has to be certain hot plus cold temperatures based on the premature infant’s age plus health. The temperature of the isolette is featured digitally plus alarms will go off if the temperature is too high or low. The isolette also reads the temperature of the baby, but once the baby is seasoned enough to regulate their own temperature on their own, they will be moved out of the isolette plus into the crib. The temperature of the room will be tested to support the baby’s health. I often feel cold when I am sitting in the hospital room, so I bring clothes plus blankets to keep me warm! When our daughter’s isolette is opened to change her sheets, I can also suppose the heat radiating out of it. It is nice plus sizzling to support her growth.