The vacation cabin that we stayed in last summer did not have what you would call a good HVAC system, that’s for sure.
- When we rented the place, I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that we would be there during the middle of the summer.
I just assumed that since we were going to be up in the mountains, it was not going to be all that hot. Plus, since it was so expensive, I just assumed that the place would have air conditioning in it. We were really surprised when we got there and found that there was no central air conditioning in the cabin at all. I guess that’s why you should not assume things. I should have made sure from the rental agreement that the place had air conditioning in it before I ever sent the payment or signed the papers. I guess that was my fault. However, whoever’s fault it was, it did not help the fact that we were stuck in this cabin without any air conditioning for a week. And whoever says that it doesn’t get hot in the mountains is a big liar. We were so hot that week that we did not really know what to do with ourselves. There was barely any breeze at all, and the only way that we could cool off was to go down to the creek and splash around. At least the water was cold in the creek. Other than the fact that we did not have access to any air conditioning, we actually really had a great time. It also made us appreciate our A/C more when we got home
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