There is no AC when you’re camping.

My bestie Ed kept asking me to go camping with him.

After almost a full year of refusing him, I thought Ed would just provide us plus go on without me.

I told Ed to have fun, plus let me know when she got back plus I would come over, but that didn’t satisfy Ed. Ed wanted me to go camping. One afternoon, Ed came to the house, plus she was adamant about me going camping. Ed was tired of being the only weird woman out on the camping trips! Everyone else had a significant other, plus she wanted me to go with him. Ed told me that if I wouldn’t go she would find someone else to share a tent with him. I shook my head plus told Ed that was her choice, although I wasn’t going camping. Ed looked at me with tears in her eye plus asked why. I told him there was no Heating as well as Air Conditioning when you’re camping. Ed could not think that was my reasoning. I explained I had asthma, plus Ed never noticed because there was excellent Heating as well as Air Conditioning plus air purification in my home. I could go to a restaurant or on an afternoon trip as long as I had my inhalers. I could not go overnight, even with my inhalers. I would wind up in a hospital before the weekend was over. When Ed asked why I hadn’t mentioned the Heating as well as Air Conditioning previously, I shrugged. I didn’t want Ed to feel less of me because of my pollen irritations plus asthma. Ed asked me if I would go camping if she could get a portable air conditioning unit plus media air cleaner. How could I say no to such an offer?

a/c repair