There was a unusual sound when we went to the mall

The other night when the people I was with and I went to the motion pictures, there was an discouraging ticking sound that kept happening the whole time that the movie was playing. It was particularly driving myself and others deranged because I cannot sit repetitive noises. I finally offered up and went out to the lobby to see if I could find a manager to complain about it to. I couldn’t find a single employee of the theater when I went out into the lobby. There was not even anyone at the popcorn counter at that point. I looked around and finally found all of them huddled in a single of the back rooms off the back of the ticket booth. They were all huddled together around what appeared to be an electric space gas furnace in that little room. Then I heard the manager talking about how he had a call into the commercial Heating, Ventilation, and A/C dealer, however they had not shown up yet at that point! When he saw myself and others resting out there waiting to talk to someone, he came out and told myself and others that they were having all kinds of troubles with their heating and cooling system. Then he apologized about the inconvenience. He was so nice about the whole thing that I did not even guess appreciate yelling at him by that point. I was all ready to let him have it at that point, although I felt sorry for him because he seemed so busy out because of the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C complications. I just offered up and listened to the ticking for the rest of the show.

a/c care