Using our fireplace to heat the house.

For years, my fiance Ed plus I had been going back plus forth about removing the seasoned fireplace.

Ed and I seldom used it, plus when Ed and I did, it was so much labor that it wasn’t worth using the fireplace. Ed and I had to either split up downed trees plus bring it in to dry, or buy firewood that was overpriced. Ed and I had to have the chimney cleaned plus maintained, plus there was usually a ton of smoke in the house. This past winter, Ed and I knew why my pal and I were vacillating about keeping the fireplace. There was a deterrent Ed and I could not locate a finger on. When our heater broke, it left us in the frost for almost a week. Our heater needed to be replaced. Ed and I had heat tapes on our water pipes, plus Ed and I didn’t need to worry about them freezing. My pal and I ended up using the fireplace to keep our home warm. Ed and I had the kids camping on the kitchen floor, so they were sizzling all evening. Ed slept in the recliner while I slept on the sofa. The women thought it was an adventure, but Ed and I thought it was a pain in the back. Ed and I had a space heater in the powder room, so it wasn’t overly uncomfortable in the place, except for when I had to go to the kitchen to get food. I was glad when the week ended plus the heater was finally delivered plus installed. The women were frustrated they could no longer camp out in the kitchen, but Ed and I promised they could sleep in front of the fireplace once in a little while, but last week, they wanted to invite some pals plus camp in front of the fireplace. I could not feel a reason to not allow it.

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