Both of us have a smart Heating and A/C system in our condo here, including a smart temperature control, and honestly we are so grateful for it.
Our energy bills have been lowered ever since getting this current component installed a couple of years ago.
Both of us are thinking about possibly replacing our current smart temperature control with a wireless smart temperature control. That way the two of us can control it from our PC while on the road. Periodically, we might prefer to change the temperature in the condo before the two of us get back home, and we prefer to do it from the car so the condo is nice and cool whenever we both arrive home. The energy usage from our Heating and A/C system is so low that it doesn’t matter if the two of us keep the condo really chilly or really sizzling hot during our climate’s drastic temperatures around here in this town. I used to pay up to $550 a month to cool or heat our condo when the two of us had the old unit, however now with the current Heating and A/C system our power bills are more in the $150 range. I didn’t realize how much more efficient the units have become until talking to an expert about them before having one installed in our house. It took them about more than 2 weeks to install the component because the two of us had all brand new ductwork and a current air handler, which had to be custom fit to be able to go in the room where the old one was. They were doing a lot of extra construction in the house, too. We are so happy with it. We also take great care of it by getting a Heating and A/C corporation to come and repair it.