With the media air cleaner, I'll soon be saving money

I believe that by giving up and speaking to the HVAC company down the street, I will soon be able to save money on air fresheners, candles, and cleaning sprays.

  • The Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning worker who answered the phone that afternoon laughed when I called and asked what in the world I could do to get the foul smells and lingering smells out of my ventilation system.

Then she inquired as to whether I had any teenage boys residing in my home. That made me laugh because my three teenage boys, who share my apartment with me, are entirely to blame for the smells that permeate it. They all participate in sports and have tepid bodies, muddy, stinky cleats, piles of stinky socks, and tepid clothing and jerseys. It makes sense why my apartment smells bad. The issue is that whenever the heating and cooling system is operating, the apartment’s indoor air quality deteriorates. It’s gotten to the point where I dread hearing the boiler or cooling system turn on in the afternoon or when I’m trying to fall asleep because I know the entire apartment is going to start smelling bad soon! Anyway, because of the smell, I have been buying a ton of candles, air fresheners, and cleaning sprays. I feel like I’ve been blowing a small fortune on things like that. This place will smell a million times better once I install the whole home media air cleaner and a nice fresh HEPA air filter! I’m glad you were able to find a solution to the persistent odor issue in your apartment and will now be able to save money on air fresheners and other odor-eliminating products.


With the media air cleaner, I'll soon be saving money