Author: Sally

It was the oddest place for an AC unit.

I walked into a home last week to work on a furnace. The woman who let me into the house, showed me where the furnace was, and I thought it was odd. The furnace was in the garage, which wasn’t attached to the house. I had often seen furnaces in attached garages, but never in […]

I shared a thermostat with another apartment.

When I moved into my apartment, I didn’t go looking for a thermostat. It was winter and comfortable in the apartment, so I didn’t give any thought to where the thermostat was. I thought that if I ever had a problem with the HVAC system, I could call the maintenance guy. When it started warming […]

Don’t give up before you start.

I told my son he had a defeatist attitude. Even before he started a project,he was already complaining about hard it was going to be, and he would never get it done. He was working on his senior project, and he opened up the packet. He said it looked impossible to complete, and kept staring […]

It wasn’t my decision to go to HVAC school.

I was doing lousy in HVAC school, and my instructor pulled me aside. He told me I was doing excellent when I first started, and he wanted to know what had changed. I told him nothing had changed. It was easy then, but it was getting harder. He said that nothing easy was worthwhile. If […]

He told me I needed new ductwork.

I don’t know how the HVAC technician knew I needed new ductwork, but that was his answer to why I had a lack of airflow in my house. I asked him if it couldn’t be a problem with the air filters or the furnace, and he said he was 99% certain it was the ductwork. […]