Repairing my grandma's heat pump

When my vacation break was approved, I decided to visit my grandma back in my hometown.

My nana and I have a great relationship. She always gives me sound advice about life and how to thrive instead of survive. Her whole-home heating equipment had been having issues for a week, and finding a heating company with available heating technicians had been challenging. They were all fully booked for weeks. Granny has respiratory problems, and the gas fireplace in her living room was doing nothing to help with indoor comfort. When I got there, nana was making my favorite; her prized apple pie. I took the opportunity to examine her heating equipment before the pie was ready. The heat pump was working, but we could not feel the warmth as effectively as when the heat pump installation was done. I ran quality heating maintenance on the device. The exercise brought me to some significant heating repairs. Some components had rust, and we had to replace them with new heating spare parts from the local heating business. The heating dealer was very swift in making the deliveries. I also bought her a smart thermostat and showed her how to operate it. I taught my granny more about heating every time I visited. My five years in the heating industry as an HVAC professional have given me the skills to work alone on any device. Though it took longer, I restored the indoor comfort and got some pie and hot cocoa as a reward. I enjoyed my trip and my time with nana. I was glad to have helped her restore comfort in her home. We had such a great time with her. I stayed over for four days.

heater for sale

A vlog on whole home heating

A fireplace can be a welcome addition to a home to help with indoor comfort and ambiance.

I love everything that has to do with new technology, but what I love more is breaking it down into simple layman’s language that is easy for everyone who watches my online videos to understand. In this video, I talked about new heating equipment available in the market. When looking for a whole home heating device, the cost is one of the essential things people and how effective the unit is, not to mention the service charge by the HVAC professional. Some of the systems in the heating industry can be very expensive to set up, but they do pay for themselves in the long run and even save energy which reduces the energy cost. One can opt for a heat pump installation for an apartment or a small office, allowing for zoning. The hybrid system also consists of a heat pump paired with a furnace. You can also opt for radiant floor heating; with heated floors, there are no cold spots. A heating technician can only install radiant floor heating during the construction of a house or a renovation project. The heating business has all these great HVAC installation options, given that you can add a smart thermostat to switch on or off. A fireplace can be a welcome addition to a home to help with indoor comfort and ambiance. There is also the issue of the kind of services offered by the heating dealer that you choose. The most basic ones are heater maintenance and repair. Every heating company provides these services, but some may be particular to a specific dealer. There is always more to learn about heating since the heating business is continually expanding.



a/c products

Finding the best price for a smart regulator

During one of those self-given breaks at work, one of my colleagues told me how she wanted to replace the analog temperature control system with a smart thermostat.

With this, she could change the heat pump settings even from work through an application on her phone.

She would even be able to key in reminders, for instance, for the following heater maintenance, when to change the air filter, and other things. An alarm would go off when it was time. She has a beautiful two-bedroomed condominium that has a heat pump installation. With this programmable regulator, she can turn on the heating or air conditioning in her house before she gets there, and by the time she is home, it is warm and cozy. I decided to help her go through the different heating business websites to find the best deal. Her equipment was already energy efficient, but it would be more pleasing if she found a way to make it more energy-efficient. We came across a heating company website that had discounts on the equipment. I also took the opportunity to learn more about heating and to look at new heating equipment because, during the last service, the HVAC professional told me that my unit had a short period before it gave out. Last week when I inspected the central HVAC duct, I noticed a leak, but duct sealing is something I am good at, so I could fix it. It did a lot to help with indoor comfort. However, my indoor air quality fell, but there was little I could do then. I needed to save more money so that when I went to see the heating dealer, it would be the best HVAC in the heating industry. I would also need money to pay the heating technician to install the whole-home heating equipment.

quality hvac equipment

I knew better than to skip the call to the HVAC company

When I make mistakes, I often chalk them up to a learning experience.

Without failure, there would never be any sort of achievement.

So, while I don’t enjoy making mistakes or being wrong, I get something out of it and I’m not afraid to be mistaken. However, when it comes to something like HVAC repair and making a stupid choice, it’s much tougher to swallow. This exact scenario happened to me this past summer. We live in a region where the heat pump remains pretty quiet this time of year. Thankfully, our winter is very mild and doesn’t need much heating. So the heat pump gets a well deserved break given the fact that it runs pretty much 8 months of the year. That’s because there is air conditioning demand for that length of time. But the summer, is a whole other animal. So when I came home from the commercial HVAC of the office in mid July, I expected to enjoy the central air conditioning of my house. But what I walked into was a hot, sticky house. Of course, my brain told me to call the HVAC professionals and have them come out to fix it. But my ego had other ideas and I skipped that call to the HVAC company. The fact that the HVAC equipment was still running was the thing that really guided my mistake. I thought perhaps I could poke around and find an obvious problem even though I have no heating and cooling expertise. Of course, I only made the situation worse and eventually had to call the HVAC professionals to come fix the heat pump. The only thing I got out of my adventure into HVAC repair was voiding the warranty on my heat pump.

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Staying home in the air conditioning going forward

It’s like this Covid thing just won’t go away.

Of course, I’m thrilled that there are vaccinations available these days so my life isn’t in danger.

I spent more than 18 months cooped up inside the central air conditioning of my home when the pandemic started. Even if the company had not closed the offices with the zone controlled HVAC, I couldn’t have worked there. That’s due to the fact that I am immuno-compromised and the early days of the pandemic were terrifying for me. And with Covid going on and on, it’s nice that I made the decision to stay home. When the company opened back up and that wonderful zone controlled HVAC was turned back on, I chose a different route. Thankfully, my company was willing to allow me to stay working remotely. That had a lot to do with the fact that my work excelled during the time that I was home in my own air conditioning doing my work. I found out that working from home really is better for me personally. The interruptions and the constant drama in the office had more of an effect on me than I thought. Working from home in the central air conditioning of my house was remarkably better when it came to the quality of my work. So these days, I have my own office that used to be the guest room. I even had the HVAC company come in and install a ductless heat pump so I have the sort of heating and cooling that rivals my old office.

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