This is the way to live

But not anymore.

In my opinion the only way to live life is with great air quality! If you have bad air quality, not only is the air quality bad but your quality of life is also not so great. I have tried to explain this theory of mine to people and some get it and some do not. Having great air quality is a must! This is why I went and dumped a lot of money into getting a whole home air purification system for my house. Because with a whole home air purification system you can really beat the bad air quality when it comes around. The whole home air purification system is so powerful that you would never even know that the outside could have the worst air quality on the entire whole planet! Before the invention of the whole home air purification system I had to suffer a lot of the time because of my allergies. They would really act up when pollen and other allergens were in the air. But not anymore. With the whole home air purification system it knocks all of those allergies down to the ground without question. I am so glad that I discovered the whole home air purification system technology and that it was available to work with my central heating and air conditioning unit. If it had not been for my local heating and cooling specialist telling me about the whole home air purification system I would have never even known about it. I am so glad that I do know now and own one.


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I’d rather be home

A lot of people in the summer love to go out and party and do other things.

But not me. In the summer months of the year I like to just stay indoors at home with my central air conditioning system! I paid a lot of money for my central heating and air conditioning system so I want to enjoy it to the fullest. Having great central air conditioning like I have is not something that cost cheap. I paid a lot specifically to have the best possible central air conditioning on the market today. The heating is great also in the winter, but nothing compared to how well the central air conditioning really helps cool my home and keep everyone in my household relaxed and able to enjoy life during that hot time of the year. Of course I do go out every so often for dinner or something. Maybe a vacation for a week here and there and of course to work every weekday. But other than that, I am home all the time enjoying my central air conditioning system in the summer. Central air conditioning is very important in areas that have extreme hot weather in the summer like where I live. But when you are inside my house with the central air conditioning cranking, you would never know that it may be over one hundred degrees outside. I am so glad I have the most powerful central air conditioning available on the HVAC market today. It is a real blessing!


It all paid off in the end

I had been one who never got the ductwork of my central heating and air conditioning system cleaned very often.

I just never felt that kind of expense was worth the time or cost because I didn’t know how important it was to the running of the HVAC unit.

Well, when my air flow started to go wonky, I knew something was wrong somewhere. I had to call the heating and cooling company to have them dispatch a certified heating and air conditioning specialist to my home to see what was going on with my central heat and cooling unit. It turned out that the whole root of the problem was within the ductwork. The ductwork was filthy and causing an air flow issue. Not to mention it was shoving bad air quality into my home. No wonder I had been having allergy symptoms lately. So I was convinced at that point to have a very deep ductwork cleaning done to my central heating and air conditioning unit. Following this long and drawn out day of HVAC work on my ductwork the air flow in my home magically improved! It was almost like I had just got a brand new central heat and a/c unit! I am not kidding! This told me that I should have got the ductwork cleaned much earlier and regularly. It was a lot of money for as much work had to be done, but now I am on the right track and future ductwork cleaning will be cheaper if I keep up with it.

new contractor

Holding an Umbrella While in the Sea During my Cold Dips

Imagine seeing a guy in the sea holding an umbrella in the rain.

Yep, that was me a few weeks ago.

Most people were in their flats sitting in front of their furnace or fireplace trying to stay warm while I was out in the pouring rain sitting in very cold sea water. I had my umbrella because I wear gloves and a warm hat and don’t want them getting wet, hence the umbrella in the rain while in the sea. Makes perfect sense, right? I would love to be sitting in front of my warm space heater and not bearing the cold sea temps, but sometimes we have to subject the body to circumstances that are not so desirable to achieve some benefit from it. I get a big burst of energy from these cold sea dids each morning and it also helps my joints heal from their pains. I set my hot water heater thermostat to its highest setting so that when I come home from my dips I can take a nice hot bath without running out of hot water. I’ve been doing these dips for about six months now and notice a big difference in my energy level and my mood. I also like to heat up my flat with the central heater so that when I am done with my bath I still keep all of the body heat. I can be shivering for an hour after my cold dips if I don’t take a hot bath and heat up my flat. Maybe I’m just crazy.

cooling and heating company

Yoga in the Warm Sun is A Good Time

I normally do yoga in my flat each morning, but today is such a nice warm and sunny day that I think I am going to do it outside near the sea.

I am still running my central heat even though today is going to be 74F.

It is still quite cold here due to the fact that this flat doesn’t get much sun and is very well insulated. It’s good in the summers because sometimes I hardly have to run the air conditioning at all because the place stays so cool from the night before. Yeah, so today I’ll take my yoga mat and hit the beach at noon and do my yoga out in nature by the calm sea. I don’t need to use my air purifier much here because the air quality is so good outside as we don’t have any buses or taxis polluting the air. We do have one bus but it is electric so we don’t hear it or smell it. I had to buy the air purifier when I was living in the last city I was in because the pollution was so bad. We lived on a corner and every time the buses took off the whole flat would smell like engine exhaust. I probably lost five years off of my lifespan from living there for a couple of years. Where I live now I have a HEPA filter in my central heating unit so I really don’t need the air purifier. Maybe I’ll drop it online and see if I can sell it.

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